SATURDAY OCT 28, 7pm | SkillsxSoul Battles Prelims / Cincotrybe Choreo Championship
SUNDAY OCT 29, 7pm | SkillsxSoul Finals / Urban Theatre Companies
SATURDAY OCT 28, 2pm | Waacking Workshop with Axelle Ebony @ The Citadel Studios
SATURDAY OCT 28, 3:30pm | Dance Debate @ The Citadel Studios
SATURDAY OCT 28- Friday night’s Hip Hop choreography competition featuring 5 crews from accross Canada.
- SkillsxSoul Dance Battle Qualifier round.
- Open Cyphers
Sunday OCT 29- Saturday night, catch both the Shows plus the Battles in ONE night with ONE ticket.
- 1 Gadfly Dance Company.
- Guest Theatre company: FORET NOIRE (Montreal)
- The SkillsxSoul Dance Battles finals
- The Hip Hop choreo crew champion
- Open Cyphers and some Gadfly surprises.
- Entry: 7:00pm.
- *Groups of 5 or more email us for Group package price.
I want to catch everything, can you hook me up?- Access to EVERYTHING. All performances, Battle rounds, Workshops and even the Gadfly Awards.
- Saturday’s Cincotrybe Hip Hop Championship & SkillsxSoul Battles Qualifier
- Saturday Day: Two Urban Dance Workshops
- Sunday Night: SkillsxSoul Dance Battles finals, The Hip Hop choreo crew champion, & Dance Theatre Productions
- Shows alone cost more than the Pass but we’re also throwing in both workshops for Free.
- *Only 30 passes available
- Value of $130+
Where can I learn to dance like that?- Admission for a Workshop on Saturday Oct 28
- 2pm: WAACKING Workshop with Axelle Munezero aka Ebony (Forêt Noire, Montreal)
- 3:30pm-5:00pm- Dance Debate (free admission – register on the link)
You can still take your chances at the door on the day of but we recommend you purchase them ahead of time online here or in person (during Gadfly teaching hours). Why? Because for the past three years many of TUDS events sell out.
Come one night, all four days, or just swing by to say hi and you will know what it feels like to be part of something Artistic, Athletic and Authentic.
Quick FYIs
– All Packages and Tickets are Final Sale
– Valid ID required
– Freestyle Passes are non-transferable
– Freestyle Pass is for regular screenings & Workshops.
– Limit of 4 TUDS Freestyle Passes per person.
Have a question? Your answer probably is HERE
Ticketing and Venue Policies
Seating is guaranteed until 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the presentation. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the theatre staff. There will be no further admittance 10 minutes after the start of a presentation. Rush tickets are subject to availability and are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at the discretion of the theatre staff.
All electronic devices must be silenced and stowed away during all presentations. Bags are subject to inspection. TUDS reserves the right to film or record its events and activities for its own purposes. Our staff and volunteers are here to ensure the best possible Festival experience for all; TUDS will not tolerate mistreatment of any kind of its staff or volunteers, and will take measures accordingly.
Ticket Conditions of Sale
By using a ticket to enter a Festival venue, the ticket holder agrees to being photographed, filmed, or recorded in the event venue, and to the publication, reproduction, and other use of all photographs, video, or other recordings of the ticket holder’s voice or likeness without further notice or compensation in any publicity, advertisement or other publication carried out by, or on behalf of, TUDS in perpetuity in any manner and media whatsoever, including print, broadcast or the internet. By using a ticket to attend Festival presentations and events, the user waives and releases TUDS from all claims he/she may have against TUDS for any loss, damage, injury, liability or expense he/she may suffer, arising from his/her presence at the event venue due to any reason whatsoever, including those arising from personal injury, property loss/damage or death.
You like what you see! Get your tickets now. Why? Because for the past 8 years many of TUDS events sell out. You can still take your chances at the door on the day of but people come from as far as Vancouver, Yukon, Montreal, and New York so we recommend you purchase them ahead of time online here or in person (arrange a pickup time).
Group pricing available for groups 5 or more people. Hit us up at tuds@Gadfly.ca